Chief Operations Officer: (COO)
respected by peers, organized, hard-working, competitive, can multi-task, confident, assertive, likes to lead and passionate about the company and takes their job seriously.
Chief Operation Officer handles the day-to-day operations and all internal business departments. This position will directly report to the CEO. and Coordinator. The position directs the organization’s internal business practices. Must be willing and able to take a hands-on approach to leading the company to the next level of growth. This person must be willing to lead by example and by holding others accountable for their responsibilities to the company. This position requires a high level of multitasking, conducting evaluations, and positive reinforcement of the company staff. The COO must be able to motivate others to excel and should have good interpretation skills. The position requires attendance at all company functions and good presentation and public speaking skills. It should be understood that this position will require extra time beyond the “work day” to meet company deadlines.

General coordination and constant communication with the internal departments and supervision of the overall operations of the company.
This position will supervise the internal operations of the company and will work to maintain an efficient and positive work environment
Be responsible for coordinating company special events.
Select qualified leadership staff, collaborate with the CEO and business plan team on the business plan
Make sure the departments know what needs to be done in what time frame (Weekly meetings are essential)
Monitor departments with the CEO to keep help Vice presidents keep departments on task.
Meet with your coordinator regularly to discuss what needs to be happening in class and what you can be doing better as the leader of the class
Resolve conflicts by talking face to face with employees and informing them of the consequences (lowers their grade, jeopardizes participation on trips, etc.)
You are the driving force behind the company. Be ready to help departments when they have questions, and don’t expect to be the first one out the door; make sure you positively represent the business by working hard on all tasks, welcoming and thanking business partners, and behaving well outside of class because you are what sets the tone for the company and your team.
Typical Tasks
Attend leadership meetings and help establish goals.
Develop and support the vision for the company and work with leaders to maintain that vision
Assist and supervise employees of the accounting, communications, human resources, and administration departments
Constantly listen, monitor and assess the progress of the company
Coordinate Company events and competitive entries.
Things to Know:
The COO has the main responsibility of being the office manager and handling the day-to-day operations of the company. Employees must remain motivated and on-task, and it is the COO’s responsibility to ensure this is the case. The COO is the driving force behind making sure the company is ready for competitions and prepares the company for trade shows. At trade shows, if the COO is not a part of the Business Plan Competition, their job is to be a utility player. They must be ready to help out where needed and should make sure the booth is completely set up. The COO is an integral part of the company’s success throughout the school year. Work hard and set goals. Do your best to meet deadlines, and if you stumble and don’t achieve what you set out to do the first time, learn from your mistakes and work harder. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Be organized, it will make your life a lot easier. Virtual Enterprise is a team. Do not bind yourself to your department. Find out how to help the business as a whole.
Competitions: Business Plan, Elevator Pitch, Annual Report