Vice President of Digital Media
Comfortable working with computers as an art form enjoys making video content and video recording is creative and thinks outside the box, good sense of style, understands what looks professional and has an excellent eye for detail, is dedicated to the quality of work, takes direction and criticism well. Comfortable exploring software to learn how to design things on the computer.
The Vice President of Digital media leads the department that works with all the digital parts of the company. The Vice President will lead a small team of employees to go through the development of the company video, photo, and web design-related projects need by the company They will work under the supervision of the CEO and will be responsible for establishing and maintaining the company website and online store. In addition, the digital media department will maintain all photo and video archives of all the events throughout the year. They will also be charged to develop video projects and video commercials as a part of their tasks. This department will have a heavy workload at the beginning of the year and will become easier in the spring. You will be working in the following software programs; InDesign, Photoshop and iMovie, and WIX.

Supervise the operations of the Digital Media department and will work to maintain an efficient and positive work environment.
Responsible for selection of the Digital Media team, delegation of tasks, and weekly performance evaluations.
Develop a company website with e-commerce shopping carts
Create company video commercials
Photograph all company employees and establish a company photo archive
Design a year-end video that highlights the company and its journey through the year
Photograph and videotape all company events
Coordinate with the art department to establish products on the company website
Collaborate with communications and HR to develop areas for them on the website
Typical Tasks
Research and establish a company domain name
Direct and edit a commercial to promote the company
Photograph all employees in formal and company uniforms
Design a company organizational chart
Video and photograph all trade shows and company events
Create an end-of-the-year video
Things to Know:
The Vice President of Digital Media will need to be a self-learner and work independently. Working with design means spending a lot of time on projects to make sure the designs are perfect. You will have opportunities for competition at most shows. Very few of the competitions involve live presentations. The beginning of the year will be difficult and time-consuming and you and your team will probably need to spend extra time outside of the office to complete tasks and meet deadlines. If you do not know InDesign, Photoshop or iMovie you and your team will need to invest time to learn the programs. You need to learn to post video projects on YouTube.
Competitions: Website Competition, Video Commercial, Video Elevator Pitch Competition